Below are a list of frequently asked questions from
our runners and supporters. We hope that they provide
you with the answer you are looking for, but If you need
additional help, please email all inquires at:
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1
I signed up for the run! Now where should I park?
Great question! There will be parking in the overflow lot at Hamburg Town Park (the Start line of the run). A free shuttle service will run from Hamburg Brewery back to Hamburg Town Park. If you choose to park at Hamburg Brewery, please use their back lot.
Question 2
I don’t know if I can run almost 7 miles! How can I still participate?
We need EVERYONE! The pace of the run is approximately 12-13 minutes per mile. This is dependent on the soldiers carrying the flag, weather, and traffic. There is a fall-out vehicle for runners that need a brief break, or feel that they cannot finish. We have had participants on bicycles as well! Just remember the one rule to run with Project 33 - No runner passes the flag, as the flag represents the fallen. If you aren’t a runner - no worries! Bring your lawn chair and flag and park yourself along the route to cheer! We want to see you there!
Question 3
Why are you called Project 33 Memorial Foundation? What does the 33 stand for?
Our Founder, Mike, started his Army career with the 3/75 Ranger Regiment down in Fort Benning, GA. He transitioned from Ranger Regiment to Special Forces in 2004. Mike’s Detachment has a 3 in the team number, making the second three in our name very special.